The Week in Links

• Do yourself a favor and read this article by Jessica Krywosa on her blog about the value of a like and "social ROI." Like, right now. "We seem to be trying to find ways to monetize something that cannot – and possibly should not – be monetized but rather nurtured." Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I couldn't agree more whole-heartedly.

• Do yourself another favor and read this article by Jenny Mackintosh on, oh-so-fabulously titled "Why LinkedIn Pisses Me Off." It makes me so, so, so very happy that there people out there who feel exactly the same way that I do. Now, if I could only find an article by someone working in higher ed social media about sucking at Twitter and not really caring...

• Great article by Gretchen Edwards on the CASE blog, recapping her awesome social media work during orientation at Wake Forest. Love how she set goals before hand and used data to report back on whether or not they were accomplished. As someone who "wings it" pretty much 100% of the time with my social media work, there are many lessons to be learned here.

• My most popular post this week: The slow-motion video booth that I helped work on at UP. I am really proud of this, so do me a solid by boosting the YouTube views. It will help me prove to my boss it's worth doing stuff like this!

• Really loved this article by Mike Richwalsky on HighEdWebTech, describing his challenges using Thunderclap. Social media work inevitably involves a lot of trial and error, and Lord knows I've had plenty of error in my day. Post-mortems on initiatives that don't work as planned is a really valuable learning process, and helps me feel like I'm not the only one these things happen to.

OK, that's it for today. Been home sick from work the past two days now... yuck... so it's back to bed and old episodes of X Files on Netflix for me. What a life I lead.

Here's the catchiest, most-awesomest, and stealthily filthy songs ever. I love it so!  

Great Social Media Idea: #Simmtober

Best Social Media Idea of the Month: Cornell Crowdfunding