The Week in Links

Quick housekeeping note: I probably will take a few days off the blog over the Thanksgiving holiday, just in case of the very unlikely scenario that one of you lovely people might decide you want to read my ramblings between football, the dog show, and mashed potatoes.

As always, many thanks to everyone who stopped by the blog and who followed along on Twitter on Facebook!

Now onto the links...

• I already wrote a blog post about this, but your required reading for the week is Matthew Anderson's post on the CASE blog that showcases the real power of social media. Read it!

• Required reading #2 for the week is this post by Keith Hannon on his blog Social Matters, featuring an incredible story about how LinkedIn brought together a group of Cornell alumni to assist a fellow alum in need. Terrific, terrific stuff.

• #BrandEDU is a new weekly Twitter chat on Mondays at 1PM EST - spearheaded by the great Jessica Krywosa - which looks to be super great by the looks of this Storify recap. Because I am truly awful with Twitter, I missed it. Typical.

• For those unable to attend the Confab Higher Ed conference earlier this month (welcome to the club!), here is a nice recap from Rick Allen and Georgy Cohen on Meet Content.

• When I think of the abandoned Google+ and Pinterest pages I created for UP - I call them "placeholders so no one else will take the username," thankyouverymuch - I feel a twinge of shame and guilt. This article from Liza Fisher Norman on Ed Social Media says it might be time for a social media audit.

• My most popular post this week: Admissions Done Right by the University of North Florida. It's worth checking out all the great stuff UNF is doing... now is the time to start thinking about how to use social media for the Class of (gulp) 2019.

And that's all, folks! I leave you with a song by the Magnetic Fields, probably my most favoritist band ever. This is one of their most depressing songs, which seems to make sense on such a depressingly cold day here in Portland. Brrr.

Great Social Media Idea: Campus Style Video

Great Social Media Idea: Bringing Social to the "Real World"