25 More Great Social Media Ideas for Higher Ed

Since March I've been writing about the trends in social media use in higher ed.

When I hit the 50 post mark, I put them together in a list of 50 great social media ideas in higher ed, which has turned out to be far and away the most popular post in the history of this blog.

So since I hit the 75 post mark recently, I figured I would create a new list of 25 more awesome ways higher ed is utilizing social media to engage with prospective students, current students, alumni, and parents; promote important news and research; and help bring campus stories to a wider audience.

If you enjoy this list and the ideas on it, please bookmark the blog, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and use the form on the right to submit a great idea that I haven't featured yet!

1. School Name Collage – Marquette University

So simple, yet so brilliant. Original Post


2. Aca-Awesome Parody Video – Bates College

A master course on the right way to do a parody of a viral video. Original Post. 

3. Haunted Homepage – Vassar College

Probably the best Halloween website takeover ever! Original Post.

4. Slow Motion Video Booth – University of Portland

I helped create this video, and I'm very proud of how it turned out. Plus, it's ahead of the curve - slow motion video booths are the new photo booths... keep your eyes peeled at a wedding near you! Original Post.

5. Instagram Takeover – University of Melbourne

Hand the keys of the official Instagram account to a student and watch the magic happen. Original Post.

6. User-Generated Commercial – Duke University

A crowd-sourced TV commercial. Absolutely amazing. Original Post.


7. #Simmtober – Simmons College

An incredible, intergrated month-long campaign for alumni engagement and fundraising. Original Post.


8. Puppet Madness – University of Connecticut

Possibly the most charming thing I've ever written about. Original Post.


9. Pinterest Printables – University of Mississippi

Taking social media offline in a tangible way = Awesomenes. Original Post.


10. Crowdfunding in Higher Ed – Cornell University

Cornell gives us several brilliant examples of how to do crowdfuding in higher ed the right way. Original Post.


11. Photographer’s Faves – Colgate University

Ask a campus photographer to pick some favorite photos and write extended captions for them, and you've got a listicle click-stravaganza! Original Post.


12. Parental Advice – Oberlin College

The best video from Orientation I've ever seen. Grab a Kleenex... you'll need it. Original Post.


13. School Pride Photos – Chico State University

Set up a photo booth on campus and let students show off their school pride! Original Post.


14. Celebrating Rankings – Texas Christian University

TCU shows us how to make what could have been just another boring college ranking post fun and engaging. Original Post.


15. One Day Fundraising Challenge – Siena College

An amazing one day fundraising campaign that raised nearly $125,000 with the help of social media. Original Post.


16. Instagram Campus Tour – Kenyon College

A student creates a campus tour by using Instagram photos? "Authentic marketing for your audience by your audience." Original Post.


17. What’s the Last Photo on Your Phone – University of Portland

Another project I helped create. It's fun slice of life of today's college experience, where we asked random people to show us the last photo on their phone and tell a story about it. Original Post.


18. Monthly Instagram Gallery – UCLA

Looking for a way to promote your Instagram presence? Curate the best content and post a gallery every month on Facebook like UCLA! Original Post.


19. Mini-Lectures – George Fox University

Gorgeously shot and produced mini-lectures from beloved faculty = Social media gold. Original Post.


20. Celebrating Victories – University of Alabama

Looking for the best way to celebrate victories by your college's sports teams? Look no further than University of Alabama's simple and effective post-game graphics. Original Post. 


21. Donation Challenge – Univ. of Denver and Colorado Col.

Tap into school rivalries for a fun and engaging social media fundraising challenge. Original Post.


22. Student Portraits – University of Connecticut

A simple, clean, and effective way to highlight the variety and diversity of the student population. Original Post.


23. Campus Legends – Occidental College

Every campus has a living legend or two... people who have been there forever and are universally beloved. So why not feature them? Original Post.


24. Interactive Map – Ohio State University

This is an amazing, engaging way to showcase the academic accomplishments and global impact of your students. Original Post.


25. Memorial Done Right – Butler University

A tour de force from Butler for how to handle something tragic like this in today's social media world. You can't not do something, but you also can't be crass or exploitative. It needs to be genuine, heartfelt, and authentic to the person (or pet!) you are memorializing. Original Post.

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Again, if you enjoyed this list and the ideas on it, please bookmark the blog, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and use the form on the right to submit a great idea that I haven't featured yet!


Music at Midweek: INXS

Great Social Media Idea: Student Portraits