The Week in Links

• So... just learned this about an hour ago. Searching on the hashtag #hesm provides a ton of awesome higher ed social media content. Check it out!

• Great stuff from Dinah Winnick on the CASE blog on social media directories and what their role is, if any, in the ever-shifting digital world. Lots of great examples and insightful thoughts... definitely give it a read!​

• My most popular post of the week: University of Michigan's School Pride Pets winning my very first "Best Idea of the Month" Award.​

• USA Today College has a list of five ways prospective students use social media to search for colleges, and it includes some cool examples from across higher ed.​

• Generating engagement through controversy isn't really a common tactic in higher ed, but I did see quite a bit of it during the election and occasionally I see it surrounding the hot button issue of the day. Mark Schaefer offers a list of reasons why using controversy in social media can backfire on BuinessGrow.

• I haven't had the time to click through many of these, but here's a list of 70 "epic" social media case studies by Andrew Warren-Payne on Econsultancy.

• This doesn't have anything to do with social media, but it's an absolutely amazing story. A guy bought dozens of boxes of undeveloped film at an auction, and ended up with 100,000+ photos by Viven Maier, the greatest street photographer no one had ever heard of.

• Did you know Social Media for Colleges is on Twitter and Facebook too? I'm usually only active during the evening (Pacific Time) and sporadically so at that (neither time nor money grow on trees, sadly), but I do provide some extra content on those channels that isn't on the blog.​

OK folks, that's a wrap. I will go a bit different of a route with my music selection today and leave you all with a slice of Europop dance jam heaven. Don't think I only listen to New Wave and Shoegazer and Post-Punk and Twee Pop and Electro Clash and Indie-Rock and Old Singer Songwriter and Anything with Breathy Female Vocals and Prince. Oh no. I do and ever shall have a fondness for trashy, clubbing Europop. Especially when it is accompanied by a technicolor video featuring lots of androgyny.

Great Social Media Idea: SASS - Share A Story, Stupid (Also: I'm Still Alive!)

Great Facebook Idea: Page Lists Galore!