The Week in Links

You've probably realized by this point that I really don't know what I'm talking about, and my only real skill (when I'm not being abjectly lazy, which I am wont to do) is cranking up the word count. Quantity over quality, baby! But want to see some real, authentic, fabulously honest and open blogging about social media? Check out the Oberlin College Webteam blog. I just... I don't even know what to say other than read that, not this. I give up.

Missed the boat on this one, but thankfully CASE has posted a recap of a recent live Twitter chat about fundraising and social media. More and more I'm getting interest from development people about crowdfunding and using social media to make asks, and there is some great info and discussion here. I'm way too protective of the community I've built and have fended development off for the most part, but I know this is something I'm going to have to do sooner rather than later.

My most clicked-on post this week: Heidelberg University's great example of creating content about their hometown. Really love this idea, and am very interested in doing that for UP. 

Help out a great higher ed web resource, Meet Content, by taking this survey about content strategy. It will take you about 45 seconds, so do it! 

Brad Smith has a list of ten savvy social media colleges on Social Media Today, and somehow he forgot to include the University of Portland. I'm going to have to send him a sternly worded email, with a link to my brilliant post about the Pope wearing purple (UP's school colors) from earlier this week. That's social media GOLD, my friends!

Dennis Yu has a great post on Social Fresh about the pitfalls of using the "boost" button to promote posts. I'll admit to having used it in the past, but I haven't in quite some time, for the reasons articulated here.

That's it for this week. Have a lovely weekend, everyone, and I'll catch all ya'll on the flip side! I leave you with a brilliant old R.E.M. song, because what in the world could possibly be better for a Friday in July?

Great Instagram Idea: Sharing User Pics

Great Social Media Idea: Making Research a Resource