Great Social Media Idea: Georgetown Stories

Ack! (Yes, I am channeling Cathy with that usage.)

As I'm beginning catch up on all the great higher ed social media action over the past few months, I just came across the ***killer*** Georgetown Stories project.

You should definitely poke around the website to read up on the project, but in a nutshell - Georgetown is following 11 students throughout the year and will be telling their story through a multimedia presentation of videos, vlogs, social media, photos, etc.

I feel like that doesn't do it justice... it's a full-on documentation of the lives of everyday students, and it's really, really freaking cool.

The video collection is particularly impressive, with videos covering everything from academics and athletics to service and the surrounding area. Some of them are more polished than others, but that's totally fine - you get the sense that the unpolished ones are coming directly from the students, which is exactly the point.

Can you imagine being a prospective student or parent and checking out this page? It offers such a rich window into what life is really like on a campus, and - though it breaks my English major and newshound heart a little bit - it's a much more compelling presentation than a static written blog. 

They are also inviting students and alumni to join in telling their own stories using the #GeorgetownStories hashtag, which is an easy way to involve people outside of the 11 selected students.

This is a kick-ass project, and I have already bookmarked it and will definitely be checking in on it. Props to everyone at Georgetown involved in this!

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