George Fox University Wins Thanksgiving

I saw lots and lots of Thanksgiving social media action from colleges last week, and after careful consideration (i.e. laziness in getting around to posting something), I have decided that George Fox University had my favorite post. Yes, I may be a bit biases because they are located in Oregon - gotta rep the home state - but I'm sure you'll agree that there's just something mesmerizing about a guy in a turkey suit:

I mean, totally ridiculous, but totally awesome, right? Obviously, the kid in the turkey suit is the straw that stirs the drink - never underestimate the power of getting the right talent on screen... it can and does make a world of difference.

What I liked most about this is that the goofiness of the turkey suit actually acted as an ice-breaker and got people to loosen up and be less formal and more real on camera - I think they ended up getting more genuine responses from people than they would have without a ham in a turkey costume. (See what I did there?)

Anyway, of course there were lots of other great Thanksgiving stuff too - I'll likely post a few more soon. But in the meantime... props to George Fox!

Great Social Media Idea: Say Something Nice!

Great Social Media Idea: Dead Week Coffee Delivery... with a GoPro