The Week in Links

It's been a while since I've done a weekly links round-up. Sorry about that! I've been slacking up a storm lately. As always, many thanks to all the fabulously fabulous people who stopped by the blog this past week!

• As someone who was also an English major and former copyeditor (no one took a red pen to an encyclopedia about tulips like I did - oh yes, I edited gardening books!), I absolutely loved this article by Hilary Frazier about the art of self-editing on the Web + Higher Ed Medium (which, of course, is fabulous and which you should subscribe to immediately).

• In case you missed this week's #casesmc Twitter chat on time management while managing social media, here's the Storify recap. True story: I happened to log onto my personal Twitter account - which, shame on me, I do maybe once a day - at the exact moment it began, so I was able to take part. Serendipity!

• The always-great Robert Bochnak has yet another great post on his blog Social Media Matters about the power and importance of being observant. Getting out of the office is one of the most important things I do as a social media manager, not only because of the high likelihood of capturing moments in real-time that you would never otherwise be able to catch, but also because you learn so much about the pulse of the campus by simply chatting with people and seeing what is going on. It's a crucial part of the job, and Robert does a great job of articulating some of the reasons why.

• My most popular post of the week: Haverford College's super awesome map, which is great for social media and as a print piece - double awesome!

• Neat post on Future Index of "7 Wonders of the Higher Ed Digital World" - a collection of great examples of HE websites. Definitely worth some perusing.

• Insightful and paradigm-challenging piece by Augie Ray on Experience: The Blog that asks if everything we know about social media marketing is wrong. There is a lot of telling data in there, much of which is enough to splash some cold water on the face of anyone working in the social space. If you've got a boss who wonders why you spend time on "silly"/"fun"/"cool" things on social media instead of just promoting and branding, send them this article.

OK, that's it for this week.... see you folks next week! Before I sign off, though, Stephin Merritt Month continues with another fine track from the Magnetic Fields. How can one guy write so many brilliant songs? We'll never know.

Great Social Media Idea: Puppy Takeover

Great Social Media Idea: Map My Campus