Great Social Media Idea: Commencement Quotes

Still reeling from Game of Thrones. (#MountainVSViper) Gonna make this quick.

Check out these cool commencement speech quote graphics from Wellesley College!

Especially impressive - and crucial to their social media success - was how quickly they were created. Members of the Class of 2014 and their proud family members, feeling the graduation glow, happily shared these on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Wellesley was smart to post these on all the different social media outlets, and they were smart to design them as squares for optimal cross-platform use.

I actually did something sort of like this for UP's graduation this year, except instead of creating graphics using quotes from this year I made them using select quotes from previous commencement addresses. Wellesley's graphics look WAY better than the ones I did, but I point this out only because this idea is versatile enough to work using source material from lots of different places.

Anyway, props to Wellesley College for a fun idea and for their prompt execution... it's no easy thing to make graphics like this in the middle of a graduation ceremony. Kudos to you!

Great Social Media Idea: Video Tribute to a Beloved Staffer

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