Thanks for a Great Year

Before I dive into my regular posting routine again, I want to say a very sincere thank you to everyone who stopped by the blog this year, sent in encouraging notes, took the time to comment and/or send in submissions, and helped spread the word on social media and other places. 

I have been absolutely blown away by the positive support and kind words, and I'm so glad that this blog has been for some people what I've hoped it would be when I started it in March - a (poorly written, albeit) source of ideas and inspiration.

Of course, no one has benefited more from this blog than me... the sheer amount of brilliant work being done in higher ed social media is truly incredible, and I have learned so much (and borrowed more than a few ideas!) from all of you.

I'm also happy to say that the blog has grown in readers every single month since I resumed regular posting in July. This December, it crossed 5,000 unique viewers for the month - a pittance compared to most websites - but a number that totally blows my mind.

Thanks to you all! Here's to great things in 2014!

The Week in Links

Hope for 2014: A Social Media Manager Manifesto