The Week in Links

Really fantastic article by Michael O'Neill on the CASE blog, about creating a social media hub page for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute alumni. Great examples, great insight... basically, what I wish my crappy blog were like.

Terrific study of how colleges use Instagram by Stephanie Hatch of MIT. Incredible stuff. 

I can't even begin to say how much I love this new feature from Facebook that allows you to upload your own preview image when posting links, rather than relying on the automatically generated ones that FB chooses. FINALLY!

My most popular article of the week: Listicle Mania from Marquette. I liked this idea so much I went ahead and aped it, creating a list of 30 Reasons Why UP is the Coolest School Ever. 9,000 page views in two days later, I'd say it was a hit. Thanks, Marquette!

Very cool infographic from Saxum Media, posted by Cameron Scott on Social Times, that shows who is active on which social networks at what time. Very much worth giving this a look.

I'm very interested in exploring podcasting for UP (I dipped my toes in the water a year or so ago, but never stuck with it), so this quick article on three reasons brands should start podcasting by Tom Martin on Social Media Today jumped out at me.

Good stuff from Jeff Bullas about how to interpret the latest social media usage numbers from GlobalWebIndex. The Google+ nubers are quite eye-opening.

Finally... Belle and Sebastian take us away into the weekend. To steal an absolutely brilliant YouTube comment (sounds impossible, but is in fact truth): "Not to sound like a hipster, but I was listening to Belle and Sebastian before they were Disney characters." Sigh... if I could only be 5% as good of a writer as hc11bmd.

Great Facebook Idea: Showcasing Your People

Great Facebook Idea: 4th of July Edition